Mayakovsky by Frank O’ Hara

 My heart’s aflutter!

I am standing in the bath tub
crying. Mother, mother
who am I? If he
will just come back once
and kiss me on the face
his coarse hair brush
my temple, it’s throbbing!

then I can put on my clothes
I guess, and walk the streets.

I love you. I love you,
but I’m turning to my verses
and my heart is closing
like a fist.

Words! be
sick as I am sick, swoon,
roll back your eyes, a pool,

and I’ll stare down
at my wounded beauty
which at best is only a talent
for poetry.

Cannot please, cannot charm or win
what a poet!
and the clear water is thick

with bloody blows on its head.
I embrace a cloud,
but when I soared
it rained.

That’s funny! there’s blood on my chest
oh yes, I’ve been carrying bricks
what a funny place to rupture!
and now it is raining on the ailanthus
as I step out onto the window ledge
the tracks below me are smoky and
glistening with a passion for running
I leap into the leaves, green like the sea

Now I am quietly waiting for
the catastrophe of my personality
to seem beautiful again,
and interesting, and modern.

 The country is grey and
brown and white in trees,
snows and skies of laughter
always diminishing, less funny
not just darker, not just grey.

It may be the coldest day of
the year, what does he think of
that? I mean, what do I? And if I do,
perhaps I am myself again.

R.I.P - 😭😞😢 - - YOU #%^+>will be MISSED (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) ww (( 🌈‼️🧙🏻‍♀️‼️ ))

 I COME HERE ,, to grieve in excess … has officially gotten shut down


THIS ,, is a very emotional ,, emotional time … was my main source for finishing off my photo edits ,, making them into cute GIFS and videos …

that website served me very well for a good 2 nearly 3 years ,, sadness fills my heart now that i know it is SOLD OFF IT WAS BOUGHT BY ANOTHER COMPANY - oh i could cry …

to commemorate here are some works of mine - you’d most likely already seen them but it’s ok  mhmmmmm

this is a hell scape visually why is the wolf shooting weird white air ,, i do not know why exactly but it’s funny to me …

… it is so hard to upload VIDEOS ,, onto blingee ,, time to do the OLD GIF conversion mhmm i am truly a maestro and i have harnessed my meticulous ,, thorough craft …

i am a TRUE lady and gentlewoman …

I AM ABSOLUTELY BEGGING ,, that blogger starts loosening up - i want to input a few images hahaha …


… nevermind ,, we can backtrack and rewind …

YOU CAN CHECK MY GLITTER PHOTOS  - on my lovely lovely Instagram ,, which you probably (( maybe )) came from anyways (o´▽`o) !!!

… R.I.P …


,, FABULOUS (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ,, feature …

10 REASONS ,, why i ⁞ ✿ ᵒ̌ ᴥ ᵒ̌ ✿ ⁞ LURVE buckethead !!

  … deary me what am i doing … OH MY ,, ~``• here i dump all of my obsessions ,, and loves … i believe that i should try and focus my attent...