Re-counting town time with Tanjipa & OUTFITS for Thursday (( 🧡🌈☔️💛 )) - town shenanigans !

Oh this is going to be a colourful evaluation of the day methinks !

This was my outfit for this Thursday. I’ve always joked that I’d wear a trash bag as long as it was colourful, this raincoat slashed with Mickey Mouse on the back ( which you will see soon ) is not exactly a “trash bag” - I think it’s a work of art. Although, on the surface it looks like a plastic bag stamped onto my body, sort of like a trash bag …

 I am currently listening to Kraftwerk and I’m in entrenched in a deep desire to be a Nu-Rave dog. Whatever a Nu-Rave dog would look like, if you were to imagine a Shih Tzu dog with a pompous hairdo and acidic paraphernalia strewn across it that would be me. You know, I’m sure that’s what I look like anyways. Am I striving for things that I already have ?

Now that’s a question.

At this point in the blog, I hear alarms and fog horns blaring with ardent fervour - this is a sound I hear in my head whenever I start rambling at the start of a blog. I never immediately get to the substance, it’s all waffle at the beginning. Hopefully you all don’t mind a bit of waffle, I was about to make a joke about Belgium but that would make you REALLY not to read.

I’m now on half-term break ! Yippee !

I now have more time to blog and live in a false ideal of saturated electro-fame ! Double yup !

In all seriousness with all jokes aside, I am very happy to update this blog - chit chatting about my days which have been filled with good company and excellent fate. I’m going to be recounting my Wednesday and my Thursday in one post, so you’ll be seeing my outfits for both days, as well as the shenanigans I somehow manage to intertwine myself into. Oh, and a lot of mentions of Kraftwerk. Why ? Because “Computer World” changed my life …

Thank you Kraftwerk you’re fantastic !

Let’s start from Wednesday - the 8th of February. This is awful, but I can’t actually remember what I really did that Wednesday in regards to school. Whoops !

Seriously what a terrible memory ? I might have to work on that, you would think blogging increases the amount of information about my day that I am able to retain in my head, unfortunately you would be mistaken. I’m as clueless as a tomato, in fact a tomato could probably retain information better than myself you know.

The tomatoes and Kraftwerk are matching, both in a deep, luscious red. Who am I kidding ? The tomatoes definitely retain more information than I do, they’re looking at me in slight disbelief wondering, “How dare you believe we have as bad of a memory as you Cyd ?” … indeed I am awful.

Anyways !

I can describe and show what I do remember though. So let me try and do that - let’s take it from 14:10 PM on that Wednesday shall we ? Me and Tanjipa have a free period, so we set off into town. Ha ha ha, big up to Tani she’s in a ton of blog posts. Our timetables coincide with one another, so we’re able to spend them together - like teenage girls do. With her pin-littered messenger bag and my red tote bag we skittle through the quiet streets of early-afternoon York whilst everyone is at work or school, on the prowl for whatever clothes we can get our hands on. 

That makes us sound like we nab clothes off of racks and sweep charity stores. We don’t do that at all, in fact we only bought about 3 items between us. Tanjipa buying a pretty long black skirt and me buying the aforementioned ( well more like “aforepictured” but that’s not a real word ) yellow poncho.

LMAO, we move like claymation characters. Here you can see the items we bought together styled, doesn’t Tanjipa look so elegant in her black skirt ? I love how she maintains an element of “edge” ( for a lack of a better term ) in her outfits whilst also having more classical elements. Fantastic ruffle shirt Tani ! Here you can also see the back of my poncho as I wave around on the screen, it’s Mickey Mouse on the back - how quaint !

I realise I’m sort of combining images from Thursday and images from Wednesday into the same discussion, all the while I talk about Wednesday - sincerest apologies.

URGENT warning from “SKIYODU” to “CYD” - enough of the amalgamation of days ! Stick to talking about one day ! Okay ? You will seriously confuse your audience !

Anyways … shall we continue ?

Me and Tanjipa before hitting the charity shops, which I have already semi-discussed so this part seems MEGA disjointed many apologies, decide to go to the epicentre of adolescence that is HMV. It was Tanjipa’s idea and I was happy to go with her, often we go in there to giggle at some items as well as appreciate a few. Some stuff at HMV makes me laugh I’m sorry to say, it’s the hyper-emotional wolf shirts, although I’m pretty sure me and Tanjipa could rock one.

Tanjipa found this 3D “mat” ( I don’t remember the function of this product but appeared to me as a mat ) and we got a fun video of her showing off the visuals.

We delivered with this GIF. Tanjipa shows off this innovative Batman and Joker contraption, and I manage to hold a camera relatively still for once. Is this what it feels like to move up in the world into the upper echelons ? It feels nice but it’s incongruent to my subcultural stance, so I’m not expecting the good camera work to stay for a long period of time ha ha ha …

We then stumbled upstairs talking about how every college dormitory seems to contain “The Great Wave” and Tanjipa expressed a sentiment for wanting more keychains. Until we hit the vinyl section. That’s when our HMV trip devolved into young silliness. Teasing one another about our music taste as well as enjoying one another’s music taste, as all good friends do. 

A cheesy grin, and yes my fingers are semi-covered with dried acrylic paint. Don’t worry I didn’t get any on the beloved Kraftwerk, Im pretty sure “Computer World” is one of my favourite albums, I have countless favourite albums. But Kraftwerk’s  1981 effort is joyful and contemplative to me, both of which are emotions I yearn to channel into my own work and into my life in general. 

Tanjipa found Jamiroquai. Tanjipa had a theory that the HMV assistants purposefully put this album at the front, ( well conveniently the albums are ordered alphabetically and sorted into orderly wooden boxes, the letter “J” happened to fall at the front also ) but right Tanjipa’s theory was that the album was put at the front due to that Family Guy meme. Deary me …

What fun we do have. After having a fun stint with snickering at a few CD’s and laughing at Neutral Milk Hotel’s “In the Aeroplane over the Sea” ( I like Neutral Milk Hotel we weren’t being particularly hostile its just such a prototypical “HMV” move to have that album at the front of vinyl crates ) we fluttered off to route around York, our end destination being the coveted charity shops.

On the way there we had a sample of tea !

We most certainly took one sample ! Of course only one sample, INDEED one sample of Pumpkin Tea !

After walking across various cobbled pavements we got to the charity shops and yes yes, OF COURSE we took multiple photos. Tanjipa amongst my beautiful friends such has Hayley and Jacqui ( love you guys to pieces ) amongst many others,  have been supportive and loving non-monetary patrons of the blog, and I am so so thankful. Tanjipa was happy to take tons and tons and tons and tons of photos. Mahal !

These majestic mirrors have popped up in this particular charity shop all so spontaneously, how interesting ? It isn’t egotistical to steal a few teenage mirror selfies in these mirrors I don’t believe, we more-so decided to revel in admiration at the decoration of the mirror, this is a show of the mirror than anything else. 

This particularly charity shop called “Mind”’has recently stocked up on a lot of new clothes, those who would like clothes from the charity shop would be in great company if they went there. There was a particular influx of new skirts and tops and dresses. Tanjipa bought her lovely “aforepictured” ( can we make that a real word please ) black skirt. I didn’t buy anything from mine but I was happy to walk around and look at the quantities of scarves, jewellery and CD’s the shop had to offer.

This was my outfit for Wednesday, the ideal for escapades across town after countless hours of painting. Honestly, I can’t get my head around acrylic. This is what I would consider a casual outfit for myself, truth be told also - my hair was really oily that day. Hence why it’s in plaits. 

Tanjipa pays for her black skirt and we skittle away to a charity shop named “Sue Ryder”, what a joy ! This is where the hilarity truly kicks into gear, and if you thought we were excessive with photos NOW - deary me, you’re in for a treat.

We drift through the first floor, relaxed in wading through the numerous modern skirts, blouses and dresses. However when we went to the back we discovered the most amazing items.

BAM BAM BAM ! Tanjipa swoops in with a lovely jab, to save the day of course ! The streets of Northern England need her ! 

Tanjipa’s lanyard is censored for the beloved belief in privacy. Look at this cute hat - Tanjipa is a true Ecco2k fan if I ever did meet one.

The real magic occurred when we went upstairs however, that’s how we emerged as beneficiary style icons of the North. Truly, we know how style things … at least Tanjipa does, I See cohesion in her looks. For me it’s a hodgepodge of whatever approaches me first in the wardrobe.

Tanjipa has a giggle whilst I make a surprised face at the camera.

We were wading through clothes and we thought we were going to have a normal day, where we don’t strike “gold” per se, or come across anything particularly interesting. Until we found …

THE coveted, fantastic, amazing, and stunning yellow Mickey Mouse raincoats.

I’m absolutely chuffed as you can tell. Look at those gigantic sleeves ! That slightly acidic, “rubber duck” yellow colour is one of my favourites.

We had a field day with these. Please believe me when I say a field day. Much to the amusement of the other shoppers around us, we tried on these yellow coats in the mirror. My necklaces got stuck and Tanjipa couldn’t find the second arm hole to the poncho. Temporarily, we were in absolute confusion.

When we did get the ponchos on though …

Tanjipa made that astute comparison “Breaking Bad” comparison also. Sorry ! Not going to watch the show.

After our humorous stint with the coats I took a leap of faith and bought a raincoat for myself, Tanjipa put hers back and I paid £5.00 for the most beautiful thing I had ever come across. This raincoat, along with my obnoxious lime green feather boa is probably one of my proudest purchases to date. Sometimes you get this colourful inclination that affirms you and states that you should most definitely buy things. Thursday certainly had trickles of said colourful inclination. Inklings if you will.

I am very happy with the length of this blog post I must say, sometimes I feel a bit embarrassed when I only have a little bit to write about, or when I’m lazy and keep my my blogs brief. It’s important for me to develop a good habit of writing, I am someone with a very visual memory. I hope to look back on this blog when I’m 80 and recollect the fun imagination of being imaginative and subcultural with tons of beautiful friends. I’m sure there are tons of 80 year olds who are indeed imaginative and subcultural with tons of beautiful friends - so my recollection won’t be out of a sort of yearning for bygone days, it’ll hopefully be a celebration of other people’s lives and my own.

So let me continue with the rest of this blog so I can successfully cap off my retrospective on Wednesday. Tanjipa didn’t get anything else from the shops I believe, and I didn’t get much else, apart from this one large, clear, “faux-glass” beaded necklace. It was only £2 and in my opinion, I think it’s absolutely fantastic. It would be a slight problem if I had not found it to be “absolutely fantastic” considering I bought it.

I know I’m wearing quite a few necklaces here but can you see the large, clear-beaded necklace ? The individual beads remind me of fresh rain drops trapped in domes. Strange imagery but it goes to make the experience of wearing it all the more pleasurable. I have been trying as of lately to derive more pleasure out of every situation I get into, whether seemingly “good” or seemingly “bad”.

After me and Tanjipa went to out last charity shop, we said our sweet goodbyes, and I went to meet my dad at Sainsbury’s - as he was buying food from the supermarket. 

This happily caps off my Wednesday afternoon. When I went home I had a lovely chat with my dear Jacqui, we chatted about everything - as the bestest of friends usually do. We spoke about Universities and we spoke about London, we spoke about universities in London. It was all extremely quaint. I didn’t get to see her on Wednesday in History, she was off being more studious than I, doing important medical business. Miss Jacqui, you are undeniably important and profound in my life.

Now, after I already pre-emoted that I would talk about the next day in this timeline which is Thursday - I am actually going to talk about Thursday now. So let me commence, what did I do on Thursday ? What an extremely fun day.

Let me recount my outfit of that day, you saw it at the start of the blog but let me show off the outfit again. Thank you to Jacqui for taking this beautiful photo of me, on the coveted bench nonetheless.

Subtle. I always try to be on the cutting edge of subtlety. I joke, I joke  - I look like Big Bird. It’s important to me that I treat my look with urgency, despite my endless bouts with self-esteem I try to respect my body enough to wear what I want without hesitation, which I understand is a great great privilege not everyone has. I have always wanted to feel important and urgent and wanted. Gosh, that sounds quite sad doesn’t it ? Strangely, my mental well-being and emotional stability increased when I started being perceived as a bit of “an eccentric”. Whatever that means. In fact, I don’t feel as if I come to school in anything particularly lavish, if I had all the time in the world to get ready I would grace the hallways in all types of intricate frocks. 

Thursday was most certainly stressful to say the least. This week had been entirely stress - but with it came a deep sense of gratification. In fact, I believe now I’m facing the repercussions of this strange dichotomy of pain and pleasure as I have fallen rather ill. I always get ill in February, my legs have been rendered as rather painful, I am limping around. My fever has not been of a good service to me, but being bed-ridden has its perks. If I can’t dance I may as well blog.

I hope this fever is only a 24-hour one, I have a costume I would love to embroider and jewellery I would love to string. No time for such trivial things like ill health. I am more so aiming to be a “Bird of Paradise” rather than a fish out of water. Although I am most partial to fish, cute animals indeed. 

To re-count my school day would be rather banal. Not because my school days are banal but there are only so many things you can say about a regimented schedule. One of the highlights of my day though was learning about Sikhi - I was very ignorant to the religion beforehand so it was great to become more knowledgable. We should all strive to better understand one another, I think most would agree with this general sentiment.

After that lesson, I had my break and then I had an art lesson to cap off the end of the day. There are two things I must say, carrying home your sketchbook and folder without a designated folder for your sketchbook is rather painful. However it was worth it as it means I can get some extra work done after this half term. 

Number two, I don't make a particularly frightening Patrick Bateman. Thematically, aesthetically, personally, historically he ist utter opposite. I don’t have any relation to that vile man whatsoever, also he is a man of fiction whereas I am a woman of reality I believe. 

“The Bug Bird Basher” is how I would brand myself. Decora is given a bad reputation after this photo. No, I don’t make an intimidating figure - you can see my face, it’s holding back laughter. Do you see the large smiley face on my bag ? That’s more indicative of what my “real face” would have been, If i wasn’t trying to put on a show of aggression. I’m certainly no actor. Thank you Tanjipa for capturing this image. 

I think that sums everything up. I don’t believe I have rushed anything, I have been rather brief in some places - yes. But rushing ? No I don’t believe so. In fact I am rather satisfied with what I had written. I think if I were to write anymore, I would explode. What more can I extrapolate out of being a glittery, electronic power puff ? I am not too sure.

I commence this blog with a hearty,

“Thank you !”

I am once again flattered that you all took the time to read this blog post, really I am so so grateful. I wish you better health than myself, and a relaxing half term if you have term. If you don’t have a break from school, I hope your school days are productive and sunny. If none of these situations apply to you, I hope you have a wonderful day regardless.

New blog post Coming next week, hopefully touching on something artsy. Let’s hope for the best !

Lots of love, Im signing out to take some paracetamol and get some rest !

The Lord knows I am in desperate need of it !

My outfit(s) 👙🧣👗👖 for the 6th & 7th of February - 🦋🦆🇬🇧🌈🌻 - amidst other stories …

 Good evening everyone ! 

I only have a limited amount of time to write this blog post, which is fine because I do not have much to say - all I am to do is report on my outfit for today and talk about some funny encounters I had today whilst walking to meet my dad. I have to go volunteer at church at 18:30PM, which I have to get ready for ; it’s in my best interest to get this blog out today in the later evening so I’m writing in advance, for my own peace of mind.

This was my outfit for today !

I think my five minute edit really adds a certain “UMPH” to this photo ha ha ha ha , thank you to my dad for taking this photo of me outside of Sainsbury’s the brick wall and background certainly screams England.

EDIT : my shoes are tied horrendously. I usually bar lace my boots, but I rushed out of the house to put my shoes on, so I haphazardly slammed into the boots, not untying them properly. That’s why the tongues of my boots are in disarray and the lacing at the top is pitiful. Trust me it hurts me too.

I can positively say that this was a more eclectic look compared to the one I wore yesterday, let me see if I can find a video or photo of my outfit from yesterday. Whilst I go to find said video, you can take this GIF of me documenting the top part of outfit whilst walking.

Influencers all over the world are threatened and fearful (( !!! )) It must be because “I love wimpy parties”, I have three wimpy party badges of the same design. They are up there in terms of favourite badges, I am super elated to own these pin bagels. Hooray to questionable fashion statements ! I’m a bit of poser though, I have never been to a Wimpy restaurant myself …

Ah, okay I have found what I wore yesterday. Documenting what I have been wearing has been hard but not impossible, if I must be honest I have been quite stressed with school since the start of this week ( despite this week being my last at school until a “half term” which is my one week break ) so the photos I have gotten aren’t often the best and are very spontaneous. However, we all start somewhere, and over time my documentation will become more aesthetically pleasing and focused. 

Thank you for being patient with me guys !

This was what I wore this Monday, so that would be the 6th of February. I’m a big fan of wearing two scarves, one more decorative and one more functional. My rainbow one being a lot more functional. I really liked my outfit yesterday, even if it was extremely simple by my standards. Simple can be nice !

Must always be colourful though !

Here’s the obligatory, grainy GIF of me dancing which shows the bottom portion of my outfit. I’m a big fan of layering aren’t I ? Not too sure what was going through my head when I put together this outfit but I think it meshes together well enough.

Ha ha ha, skirt and trousers combo - it works to me ! You can see here unlike in the previous photo of my outfit that I am wearing my jacket in this one - I would say this is the main jacket I wear to school alongside a burgundy corduroy one which will probably make an appearance in later blogs. Just realising I forgot to clasp my bag whilst filming this, it’s a cute bag but I wonder why I didn’t properly clasp it. Thank God the zip is done !

Dancing is fun !

I had a quite a few funny interactions today wearing the outfit at the very top of this blog, it was quite sweet actually. 

One man randomly came up to me and said “I like your scarf” and dashed away. I too like my rainbow scarf. I said “thank you”, the best thing was that scarf was only £3. How quaint !

Then I had another encounter in quick succession to the last.

An older man, potentially in his 70s came up to me and tipped his hat. It was black or navy blue and wooly with a circular top and brim. Similar to a baker boy’s hat but it had far more volume, not Jamiroquai level volume but it looked relatively sturdy.

I then tipped my burgundy beret and sunflower hat back to him, and I did a gentleman-like bow for humours sake. Looking back on this decision I am not sure why I did that, it’s really not of my character to do so. Occasionally though, we all have random bursts of spontaneity in which we do actions unlike ourselves- Im sure everyone can relate to this sentiment.

He was an older man of English origin and he excitedly asked, 

“Where are you from ?”

Ha ha well, this is always an interesting question. I understand how the man phrased it, he’s an older guy from an older generation so it makes sense. But if you want to know someone’s ethnic background, just ask for their ethnicity. Here’s why.

Technically, I am “from” England, I was born here, I have lived here for my entire life and I have English citizenship, I do not have a Filipino passport. Ethnically, as I was born to two Filipino parents, therefore my ethnicity is Filipino. Young people of the world, I’d rather  you cut to the chase and ask me about my ethnicity. Less muddled in ts communication and the awkward follow-up question of :

“Where are you REALLY from ?”, which is once again code for asking about someone’s ethnicity can be avoided if people knew what they actually wanted to ask. 

But I’m not bitter, so I answered immediately to the man,


Because I knew he was most likely asking for my ethnicity, it turns out he most definitely was. A smile crept up upon his face, his eyes were set rather wide - akin to my own. I’m not sure why I remember that feature in particular but actually well, I do know why because I try nowadays to look people in the eyes when they speak to me, something I had trouble with when I was younger.

Then, he proceeded to pull out the most British joke.

“I assume you came here for the amazing weather!”

I cannot count on both hands how many times I have heard this joke said to my family, friends and myself. It’s quite interesting that he assumed I moved here at some point, it seems people don’t consider the possibility that I may have been born in England, which I most certainly was. It does not anger me, not at all - it’s just something to think about.

I laughed politely at his joke and he laughed back.

He then said I looked very handsome !

I have never been called “handsome” in particular before, I wasn’t entirely sure what it meant. I searched online and I couldn’t find anything concrete, although the top search proposed that sometimes ladies who are called “handsome” are sometimes called that as they aren’t conventionally attractive but still “interesting-looking” , which fit my costume to an extent.

I was flattered really, whatever the man meant by it. I suppose “skiyodu” is now handsome ! An esteemed member of the gentry in my past life mayhaps … 

Either way it was a fun interaction which had me thinking about a lot of things. Isn’t is so nice to just chit chat with other people, and encounter different people from completely different walks of life ? Something beneficial about dressing slightly “out there” , is that it’s a great conversation charger. When I started dressing less conventionally I thought people would be repelled, that they’d feel intimidated about the garments I donned - seeing me as an unapproachable sack of saturation. However, as I reflect on my appearance, I realised how many fun situations and unprompted conversations have arisen from people commenting on my clothing, whether negatively or positively. People think you operate with no fear mechanism when you submit yourself to counter-culture ; in many ways I do not operate with a fear mechanism, at least aesthetically. Don’t get me wrong though, I still have my fears, whether I’m with necklaces or no necklaces. 

I do prefer wearing necklaces though as opposed to without necklaces. This photo is not from today or yesterday, apologies, it’s more so an exemplar to show off my questionable taste. I’m a Haven WINNER - you know ?

Aish, I never manage to cap my blogs off in an interesting manner. You know what it always is ? Oh I’ll tell you what it always is. It’s the,

“I think that’s everything,”

or it’s the,

“I believe that’s the end of the blog,”

I now realise quoting myself saying these prototypical things is in fact not original. Effectively, I have now ended my writings the way I always do. I am sure I will find a new way, perhaps in a week, perhaps in a century. I’ll think about a way to cap off my blog.

Luckily, I have an inset day on Friday ! So I only have two days of school left until my half term instead of three, I will try and document my looks for these days like a diligent blogger and pump out quality blog posts ! I’m happy with my turnout for January, but I’m sure I can do better for February. It’s already looking bright for Cyd indeed.

Me circa 8PM this Tuesday. I am both awkward and tired, it’s time to listen to some music and simmer down. Brian Eno is fantastic, I’ve been listening to him for about an hour though and I need a break. Paavoharju is what I shall listen to next.

Everyone have a good night, here’s to a wonderful Wednesday and a loving week. Sending you all the warmth for this week !

Thank you once again for reading this blog post, have an excellent day, evening, afternoon or night - whenever you are in the world.

Bye bye for now !

,, FABULOUS (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ,, feature …

10 REASONS ,, why i ⁞ ✿ ᵒ̌ ᴥ ᵒ̌ ✿ ⁞ LURVE buckethead !!

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