Cyd is in a slump...


TLDR : I feel completely burnt out, and totally tired.

No room left for productivity. 

From photoshoots going awry, costumes being unfinished, paintings going wrong and my general lack of satisfaction with my work. The creative vigour and strength I wanted to start the year off with is looking like a bygone thought of a naïver self.

I won’t even begin to discuss the plethora of projects which I need to get a move on with, because frankly we would be stuck here for a solid 50 minutes. As in you would be torturously subjected to reading this blog, for 50 minutes. 

Eek, things aren’t looking too good for “skiyodu”…

Haha, in all honesty I don’t feel too much like “skiyodu” as of right now, I feel more like Cyd Kassandra if you get me. A far cry from the ornate clown I like to feel I am.

Not feeling like too much of a painter.

Trying to play the “distinguished lady of a rainbow aristocracy” but my attire is saying that I have submitted to comfort and idleness. I have indeed submitted to such things.

I have actually made substantial progress in the past few weeks, in a feeble attempt to make my art WORK. Digital paintings have resumed, I am a quarter through making a new costume for a video and I have my plans set out for today as well. Which includes a good hour of dancing against a white background for some reason, only God knows why. In fact you may also know why in the forthcoming weeks. Seriously, I would love to get out a good body of work out in February.

I feel like eating shortbread for some strange reason. I’m pretty determined to do that, for some reason shortbread is a go-to snack ? Yeah … I have this unfounded belief in the fact that shortbread makes me productive, oh my gosh - what fickle, strange novelties and fantasies that I indulge in, JUST DO YOUR WORK CYD !

( I just want to go to bed … )

Let’s not even the mention the sketchbook pages I must do for school, indeed I do go to school. I’m not at school today due to “industrial action” ( mhmm ) but this sketchbook needs to get done and honestly it’s the last thing I want to do.

Eek, this is me winging isn’t it ? I deeply apologise this isn’t particularly positive nor uplifting. But you must have a few dark days before the light resumes, I suppose - as cheesy as it sounds.

Interestingly, for once I am at a lack of words. I don’t have much to say whatsoever. Goodbye for now everyone, thank you always for reading the blog and I hope your blessings are in high abundance and that you have a good day, afternoon, evening or night - wherever you are !

Lots of love.


,, FABULOUS (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ,, feature …

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