It’s 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 (( 🥳🎁🎈🎊 )) ~``• HURRAY !!! - 🤡🌈🎢🍭🎠🍔☢️ …

There is not much to say frankly, really not much at all. I am very happy it seems. My worries have subsided and I can rest myself on the lush shoulders of the weekend, how idyllic skiyodu. 

I am so happy to be going into this weekend with a decorated tan ! This item serves no practical purpose, sure it keeps me cool but it’s winter in England. Furthermore due to the erm “subtle” embellishments of this piece I cannot close it so it isn’t exactly travel-friendly. The garish aesthetics of this piece override any functional properties. That’s actually a statement which can describe the majority of my closet actually. 

This fan is part of a costume I am trying to assemble for next week, so I can shoot some photos once again for another video. Every time I do a decora look I try to outdo my last one : stringing even more bracelets around my neck, placing more trinkets atop my head, donning more plushies which adorn my waist and piling more bangles around my arms. There will be a point where you won’t actually be able to discern what it is I am wearing ; everything will just sort of blend into a hazy, rainbow slab. I think I’m already getting to that stage now.

I will never take this blog for granted, not anymore. Before I decided in 2023 that I would like to take my blog seriously, I didn’t enjoy blogging I just thought it was something I felt obligated to do because it was a semi-productive and semi-artistic venture for me to get my hands on. However, as time goes by my gratitude for this blog furthers, it offers me the much-needed self-reflection and quiet time which is so imperative when it comes to offsetting the stress of my school life. 

I don’t listen to music when I write blogs, not anymore. You might ask why, but I can provide a sound answer if I say so myself. There’s something so beautiful about just sitting down and writing with no interruption or added stimuli, the sound of the portable heater is the only sound I hear with the occasional light tap of my fingers on the keys of my phone. I write more quickly and with more focus when I don’t have any interruptions. Yes, my brain is so scattered and overstimulated and prone to distraction that music is considered too much stimuli for when I’m doing a task … I will admit to being way too online !

Thankfully, I am trying to fix this though, through using my time on my phone more effectively. Like for creative endeavours or blogging, to a certain degree I am dependant on my phone for checking-in with friends or sourcing inspiration for my next projects or chatting on the phone. You know, like everyone is. But I’m trying to develop a better relationship with technology by not constantly desiring the consumption of useless media and uninspiring material. I am semi-healthier-with-technology and semi-stuck-in-my-own-ways but when you first try to kick a habit it’s a lot of relapsing and restarting, it’s a lot of falling and rising. 

I love how in the beginning of this blog I stated that there wasn’t much to say, “really not much at all”, and I have now went on several different rants which have nothing to do with one another nor the prospects of my weekend. The mind does wander I suppose.

In fact let me talk about what I aim to do at the weekend, I am determined to incentivise the free time that I have outside of doing school work ( I am currently side-eyeing my sketchbook, it is of paramount importance I get that completed .

Let me run through what I really need to get done :

1. I need to create a concise “game plan” for my next decora outfit. This entails : getting the sufficient materials in order to craft accessories and embellishing pre-existing ones, gathering materials that I don’t have as of currently such as eyelash glue and drawing out a detailed sketch of the look I would like to achieve.

Preferably something a bit more detailed than this quick 2 minute sketch which lays atop my sketchbook now. Seriously what is that meant to represent ? A blunt-banged bunny girl with a feather boa and no arms, a great concept Cyd …

The resemblance between me and my drawings is truly uncanny … this is definitely not me just trying to plug in a photo of myself of course not …

As mentioned previously this will all be for a photoshoot for the next weekend, so I can get to work on a lengthy video collage once again. I love video collages so much, they are so rewarding once they are done and they are fun to make.

You can take a scroll through my Instagram and find all of my video collages by clicking this body of text which will take you to my Instagram, even though the majority of people who have access to this blog already know that my Instagram is @skiyodu - what shameless self promo tut tut tut …

2. I need to sleep earlier. Yes, this sounds like the run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter, self-motivational advice which you hear on an obnoxious YouTube ad which you cannot skip. I understand. Frankly, I don’t mean that I aim to fix my sleep schedule to where it’s lights out at 9PM every night, but I am going to try and urge myself to sleep a little bit earlier.

The key phrase being “a little bit”.

30 minutes or 15 minutes earlier would be satisfactory. I want to try and get up early for school the next week so I have time to put on makeup and my outfit in a non-frenetic manner, it’s nice not to rush.

I know this may seem very shallow and self-absorbed to some people but when I feel as if my outfit doesn’t make me happy or when my makeup is sloppy, I don’t feel very positive starting my day. In fact I feel the opposite - unmotivated and drowsy. 

Also, if I like my outfits I can share them on the blog ! The world certainly needs to see more of my daily outfits which don’t have any cohesion whilst I dance near a printer (( !!! )) 

This would be a good habit to get into, this “getting up early” business as I could share the outfits I wore to school with pride ! It would be awesome if I could do a what I wore in a week in a true 2011 manner !

Yeah totally …

All jokes aside, it would be nice to show off an OOTD for every time I do a retrospective on my day. Wouldn’t that be a cool addition ?

(( Before I go onto number three of “what skiyodu needs to do in order to prepare for the weekend and onwards”’, I realise I have had a very similar format for each blog. I always do this list thing of everything I MUST MUST do. Is this going to become a “Cyd staple” ? ))

3. Finally, make a tea every night. But a tea must be the last thing I have at night. For me, tea is synonymous with sleep - when I lay my big, circular head atop a pillow it has been pre-conditioned with the comfort of a warm Rooibos tea with milk. It is genuinely my addiction, not a bad one but an addiction nonetheless. The minute the first sip enters my mouth I am knocked out cold, which is why I will treat myself with the beverage after all my work has been done for the day and I have accomplished everything I had wanted to do on that day. 

Try a Rooibos tea with milk if you haven’t before, I think it could change your life !

Stunning, incredible, amazing, innovative and splendid. Thank you Tick Tock for all the joy you’ve brought to my life. I’m not one to give my leg and arms to a corporation so this is high praise coming from me. You made a good product Tick Tock and I can’t deny that. Kudos !

I think that summarised everything I would like to say, except it’s not exactly a summary is it ? The blog was extremely long-winded and multi-directional with no explicit focus, as it is with everything so. But I hope I didn’t bore you my friends !

Hopefully you have amazing weekend and I hope you incentivise yourself to be productive and accomplish some small-scale, short-term goals in the future ! Thank you as always for reading to the end, and even if you didn’t read to the end that’s completely fine (( I don’t even know if you’d be seeing this actually )) - I am forever grateful for people’s support and viewership !

Have a good night, day, afternoon or evening wherever you are in the world ! Wishing you the best start to this February …

Lots of love !

,, FABULOUS (´。• ω •。`) ♡ ,, feature …

10 REASONS ,, why i ⁞ ✿ ᵒ̌ ᴥ ᵒ̌ ✿ ⁞ LURVE buckethead !!

  … deary me what am i doing … OH MY ,, ~``• here i dump all of my obsessions ,, and loves … i believe that i should try and focus my attent...